The goal of six pack abs mainly depends upon losing weight by completing exercises that focus on the muscles in the abdominal area. There are literally dozens of such exercises including many that are meant for other major muscle groups, but that can be modified to include a workout for your abdominal muscles. Here are just a few of the major abdominal emphasis exercises.CRUNCHESCrunches are done by lying on the floor either on a mat or not, with your arms crossed in front of your chest. Many people do crunches with the hands behind the head, but this can create lower back problems because of the pull on the head and neck. A slightly different position has the finger tips placed behind the ears, rather than crossed on the chest. It is important not to pull on the neck or on the ears for assistance in rising off the floor. Instead, suck the abdomen back toward the spine and inhale through the nose at the same time. Raise the shoulders toward the knees using only the muscles in the abdomen. The entire back should not be lifted from the floor, as this is likely to create back strain. No additional benefit to the abdomen is gained by raising the entire torso. The key part of the crunch is the initial flexing of the abdominal muscles as the shoulders are lifted off the floor. As the shoulders clear the floor, exhale through your mouth. Complete the exhalation with a gasp to expel the last of the air from the lungs as your shoulders stay clear of the floor. Lower the shoulders back to the point where the shoulder blade touches the ground while inhaling. It is important to maintain the proper breathing control and muscle flexing to get maximum benefit from crunches.SIT UPSOnce again start in a position on the floor with your feet flat and your knees bent. The fingers should be placed behind the ears, or you can cross your arms on your chest. Slowly raise the entire back off the floor while inhaling deeply and exhale as you reverse the move. This exercise can be made more challenging in several ways. For instance, you can do sit ups from an incline with your head lower than your lower body. You can then add weights on the chest to lift while you are sitting up. Weights can become heavier on an incline bench. The next difficult step can be attained by holding the feet off the ground while doing sit ups or making a bicycle peddling motion while doing sit ups with your legs. These exercises may not be easy, but are very beneficial to the abdominal area.LEG LIFTSLeg lifts begin with the legs straight and the hands at your sides while lying on the floor. Lift both legs up at the same time without bending the knees until the legs are at a ninety degree angle or a close as possible. Not everyone is flexible enough to reach the ninety degree angle. Lower the legs as close as possible to the floor without actually touching and repeat several times. Increase the challenge of this exercise by adding weights to the legs while lifting them. Another challenging exercise for improving definition and musculature in the abdomen is to hang from a pull up bar while lifting both legs to a ninety-degree position. As with most other exercises, try to stay conscious of breathing while slowly doing the routines.JACKKNIFE SIT UPSThis exercise begins by lying flat on the floor with the hands at your sides in order to provide better balance. At the same time you raise your knees, bring your torso up slowly till the face and knees meet. Return slowly to the original position while in full control of the movement. The jackknife name comes from the natural tendency of the legs to bend at the knee with the feet dropping to the hips presenting the shape of a jackknife. The difficulty level of this position can be increased by holding a weight between the feet while performing the sit ups.V UPSThis exercise begins with you on your back on the floor with the arms extended over your head. Bring both legs and torso up at the same time without bending the knees or the arms. Keep the pace slow and steady and reach for your feet with your extended hands at the top of the arc. If possible, try to touch your feet, but this move can be tricky until your level of flexibility increases. As with other exercises, adding weight between the feet increases the difficulty level.
Source: Free Articles
Monday, December 15, 2008
look! doctor gets death threats for revealing top secret fat loss secret to general public
A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life!A lady doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered -- and this has the whole diet food and drug industries turned upside down and in nothing less than a torrential uproar.Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she's marching to the beat of a different drum.And no, nothing about her "secret" is difficult -- nor does it require that you do something completely out of the ordinary or anything unnatural.Instead, the Arizonian boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity -- and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever.Over the course of six years the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites -- and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98 effectiveness and success rate.She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases of overweight persons -- only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject wasn't nearly as much as those obese patients 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).So powerful is her secret that she's able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as an elimination of an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases.Nearly 100 of Americans labeled obese, and others worldwide. But she's not promising any of us for how long.Some experts and sociologists suggest that in the bigger scheme of things, the world will never tolerate a discovery of such magnitude, any more than it would be realistic to expect a car that runs on water (even if very real) to ever become commercially available to the general public for day-to-day use.One well-respected and famous diet & wellness author wrote years ago that if anyone ever "truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK." you may want to head on over there now and get it and before someone or "something" gets it forever yanked out of ever getting in YOUR hand at least.It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in rapid, massive weight loss and extremely improved and enhanced health, now made freely available to the rest of us?
Source: Free Articles
Source: Free Articles
Staying in shape over 40- what you need to know
Turning 40 can be a powerful and transient event even though many women believe that everything starts to change or even fall apart at 40. This doesn't have to be so! Women can stay strong and competitive, healthy and fit well over the age of 40. There may be some changes you need to make, but it is an important time for you to make these changes so that you can continue to stay in shape.Some basic dietary changes can help you to supplement your workouts and keep you strong. Calcium, for example, has always been important in a woman's diet, but it is critical to start supplementing calcium now if you haven't already. Bone density begins to decline and if this gets really bad, it can lead to osteoporosis later in life. Ginseng is an herb that can help to give you energy when you start to feel fatigue, and some people swear it is what helps keep them young. Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables is crucial to keeping yourself young. Not only is it very healthy for your body, it is quite beneficial for your skin as well. Natural foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are full of antioxidants, and these help keep free radicals from destroying that youthful appearance of your skin. Also good are salmon and other foods such as almonds, flax and fatty fish which provide a strong source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Again, this is good for your heart health but also for your radiant skin.Staying in shape also means getting - or staying - physical, of course. You may discover aches and pains that you haven't noticed prior to turning 40. It's not because 40 is some magical age, but rather a useful timeline to gauge when women tend to start feeling less energetic, more rigid, or have tighter muscles than they used to. A fun and relaxing antidote to this is yoga. Yoga has been said to be the true fountain of youth! A good, long yoga session a few times a week or a simple practice of ten to twenty minutes daily can relax, tone and lengthen your muscles as well as your spirit. It also helps to de-stress your mind, which has been shown to have an effect on cortisol levels in the body. By reducing cortisol, you can help reduce the belly fat that may be more stubborn to remove these days. Any time of stress-relieving mechanism you use will help keep you young, but yoga is an especially good one.If yoga isn't really your speed, pick something that is. Maybe you enjoy spinning, or a step class or kickboxing. Whatever it is, don't stop now just because you've reached that dreaded age. Keeping active now is just as important as it was when you were twenty, if not more so. If your aches and pains feel like they are preventing you from doing what you like to do best, it probably means you need to stretch more. Stretching can be a wonderful tool to keep you young and keep your muscles supple and strong. It can help prevent muscle tears and help you reach new levels of fitness by warming up the muscles and ligaments, but it can also just feel great after a nice, long bout of exercise. If you run or bike, be sure to stretch the calves and quadriceps muscles as well as the hamstrings. If you like to partake in a class at your gym and there is a lot of jumping involved, make sure to stretch the ankles as well. Simply adding ten or fifteen minutes of stretching to your daily routine can make you feel years younger if you are faithful about it.Staying in shape doesn't just mean looking good or staying in good shape on the outside. Once you reach the age of forty, keeping up with regular doctor appointments becomes more important than it was in days past. Make sure to get a mammogram and screen for early detection of breast cancer. Make an appointment with your general practitioner for a complete physical. Consult with a dermatologist, and keep regular full-body skin checkups once or twice a year, which can help screen out skin cancer and suspicious moles that may crop up. If you used to see the eye doctor once every couple of years, cut that in half and see him once annually. Unfortunately, the eyes are quick to deteriorate as you age, and you will want to keep up with these check-ups for safety reasons, to be able to keep reading, and to check for signs of glaucoma and other age-related diseases.Nobody said getting older was fun, but it does not have to be painful. The age-old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure applies to the aging process very well, and if you take these measures you too can age gracefully.
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Source: Free Articles
Healthy and safe exercises for children
It's important that children get a lot of exercise. While it is easy to keep them occupied with television, DVDs, video games, and a playroom full of toys, it is not always so easy to get them moving. Varying the types of exercises you want the children to do and treating exercise as play time will help get them up in motion. Make sure that the exercises you choose are age appropriate and that safety is always a priority when exercising.Here are some healthy and safe exercises for children that any adult can join in on:Bicycle riding - Whether on a tricycle or a mountain bike, children love to hop on their bikes and take off. Bicycle riding is good cardiovascular exercise and also works several muscle groups. Keeping it safe: Children should always wear a proper fitting helmet when riding, and young children should ride on sidewalks or bicycle paths, not in the street. Teach older children the rules of the road when they begin to ride on the streets and do not allow them to ride at night without reflectors on their bike and proper reflective clothing.Dancing - Children love to dance, and it is a great form of exercise. It takes no special equipment, just some music with a great beat. As long as there is a radio or CD player available, it's easy to get kids moving to the music.Keeping it safe: There are few things you need to do keep dancing safe. Give children a large enough space to move in so they don't bump into things and hurt themselves and let them go wild.Yoga - Here is an exercise that seems very adult to children, and since kids love to feel grown up, they like to do yoga. It is a simple exercise to do in the home and there is no need for any special equipment or clothing. Most libraries will have yoga for kids' books or DVD's so it's not even necessary to spend any money. This is an especially good exercise for kids who have trouble calming down or falling to sleep. A little yoga right before bedtime can calm them down and help them fall asleep more easily while giving them some much needed exercise.Keeping it safe: Make sure that the children are doing yoga exercises that are specifically designed for kids. Sure, many kids are flexible, but some of the more advanced yoga poses can be harmful for children.Walking - Another fabulous exercise that almost anyone can do that costs almost nothing. This is a great exercise for children that are struggling with weight problems. For children who are severely overweight and struggle with other exercises, walking can be the perfect solution. They can start out with a short walk around the block and work their way up to longer walks each day as they become more fit.Keeping it safe: Proper walking shoes with good support should be worn. Also, children should be taught to stick to the sidewalk or a walking path and never to walk in the street. Younger children should always be accompanied by an adult and older children who are ready to go out for a walk by themselves should stick to an agreed upon route.Playing Ball - Kicking a soccer ball, throwing a Frisbee, taking shots on the basketball court, or running the bases in a kickball game are all forms of exercise. Grab a ball (or Frisbee) and take children in the backyard or to a park for some games that also double as excellent exercise.Keeping it safe: If you have got children of different ages playing together, keep it well supervised to make sure that the older children don not hurt the younger ones. Also, try to make sure that everyone is getting a fair turn.Jump Ropes and Hula Hoops - These are great exercises that really get children's hearts pumping and improve their coordination all at the same time. The cost for equipment is very minimal and these exercises can be done outdoors or indoors if space permits. They are also very fun games and activities involving jump rope and hula hoops that most children enjoy.Keeping it safe: Keep a safe distance between children as they jump rope or hula-hoop to ensure that they do not bump into each other and get hurt.Children who get regular exercise have advantages over those who do not. They have more stamina, fewer health problems, better self-esteem, and an ability to control their weight more easily. So turn off the television, power down the computer, hide the handheld gaming devices, and then encourage children to get more exercise while providing them with a safe and fun environment in which to do so.
Source: Free Articles
Source: Free Articles
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Super food no.12- a review
Is it time to shed a few pounds off your frame? Well if you've ever tried to lose weight you know that sometimes a little extra added help may be necessary to help you get down to that target weight you desire. After this Super Food no. 12 review you will be able to determine whether or not it's the pill to get you there this time around!
For a being a newbie just starting out, removing calories, cleaning out the system, and starting to get added training in can be a huge affair to overcome. You just are not accessible yet sometimes you have to get into a new routine. For some humans this is nice enough, for others with added fat to lose, they chose a diet pill to get over this hurdle.
Super Food no. 12 is a pill made of a mix of 12 different ingredients. The most notable are green tea, mangosteen, and the acai berry. Acai boasts 10 times the antioxidant allowances of grapes and twice that of blueberries. The acai berry was first acclimated by the citizenry of Brazil. This ample berry and minimum bulk of pulp. The Chinese first accepted the benefits of green tea you'll find, and now offers abounding varieties in many forms today. Is there any herb that appears to help the body more than green tea?
Would I say that after this Super Food no. 12 review that is a diet pill that can work for you? Yes. Would I say that it will work for you? No. The ingredients are all natural and proven to work, but just like with every diet the individual training pattern and diet discipline will be the true reasons you lose weight. The pill is an extra bonus to lose those pounds that just wont go away.
Visit the beauty aid for more information on more dieting products including a further review of Super Food no. 12.
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For a being a newbie just starting out, removing calories, cleaning out the system, and starting to get added training in can be a huge affair to overcome. You just are not accessible yet sometimes you have to get into a new routine. For some humans this is nice enough, for others with added fat to lose, they chose a diet pill to get over this hurdle.
Super Food no. 12 is a pill made of a mix of 12 different ingredients. The most notable are green tea, mangosteen, and the acai berry. Acai boasts 10 times the antioxidant allowances of grapes and twice that of blueberries. The acai berry was first acclimated by the citizenry of Brazil. This ample berry and minimum bulk of pulp. The Chinese first accepted the benefits of green tea you'll find, and now offers abounding varieties in many forms today. Is there any herb that appears to help the body more than green tea?
Would I say that after this Super Food no. 12 review that is a diet pill that can work for you? Yes. Would I say that it will work for you? No. The ingredients are all natural and proven to work, but just like with every diet the individual training pattern and diet discipline will be the true reasons you lose weight. The pill is an extra bonus to lose those pounds that just wont go away.
Visit the beauty aid for more information on more dieting products including a further review of Super Food no. 12.
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Is acai berry free weight loss traileffective?
The price of Acai Berry is not cheap. Well, if you are wondering whether this product's cost is on par with its effectiveness, you will be quite surprised. A free trial will last for at least 2-3 weeks. This duration of time is needed in order to see the effects of this wonder fruit in your weight loss program.
The effect of Acai berry is indeed magnificent and the taste is simply great. The flavor is unique in its own way, and can be describe as a kind of exotic grape. They are extremely refreshing. People had lost some 5 pounds in a month. They are high in antioxidants which can cleanse your body and make you more motivated to do physical and leisure activities. In other words, it makes you more energetic so that you would feel like exercising more! Besides that, the berry's pulp is tasty to eat and this makes it a good and easy diet to stick to. It is not like other supplements in the form of tablets that make you feel like you are a patient. It's taste makes you feel like you are actually enjoying your weight control supplement and at the same time enjoying its effects!
The high fiber content of Acai berry also helps in digestion. There will be noticeable changes in people who consumed this berry and problems like constipation should be reduced. If you are looking for an easy and enjoyable way to control your weight, give Acai berry a try!
For the first time you can now try acai berry for a 14 Day Free Trial!
Click Here to get started with your FREE trial! These supplements have helped many people over the years achieve their weight loss targets. The body will be far more likely to get rid of unnecessary weight if it is absorbing the right amount of nutrients and acai berry will take care of it.
If You are serious about losing weight, go get your free trail. We would be QUITE surprised if you don't 10 pounds in the trail period. Click Here to get started with your 100% FREE trial!
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The effect of Acai berry is indeed magnificent and the taste is simply great. The flavor is unique in its own way, and can be describe as a kind of exotic grape. They are extremely refreshing. People had lost some 5 pounds in a month. They are high in antioxidants which can cleanse your body and make you more motivated to do physical and leisure activities. In other words, it makes you more energetic so that you would feel like exercising more! Besides that, the berry's pulp is tasty to eat and this makes it a good and easy diet to stick to. It is not like other supplements in the form of tablets that make you feel like you are a patient. It's taste makes you feel like you are actually enjoying your weight control supplement and at the same time enjoying its effects!
The high fiber content of Acai berry also helps in digestion. There will be noticeable changes in people who consumed this berry and problems like constipation should be reduced. If you are looking for an easy and enjoyable way to control your weight, give Acai berry a try!
For the first time you can now try acai berry for a 14 Day Free Trial!
Click Here to get started with your FREE trial! These supplements have helped many people over the years achieve their weight loss targets. The body will be far more likely to get rid of unnecessary weight if it is absorbing the right amount of nutrients and acai berry will take care of it.
If You are serious about losing weight, go get your free trail. We would be QUITE surprised if you don't 10 pounds in the trail period. Click Here to get started with your 100% FREE trial!
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Why is muscle necessary when losing weight
I recently got an email from a reader that liked my ideas on "mastering bodyweight", but wasn't sure that strength training was necessary.
He said:
"I like the idea of being able to master my bodyweight, but wouldn't just losing weight (especially fat) and getting your bodyweight as low as possible be the easiest way to do this? Couldn't I do this with just cardio conditioning?"
You could lose a lot of weight by just adjusting diet and doing cardiovascular activity (be it of the Long Slow Distance, High Itensity Interval Training, Medium Fast Distance, or Density Conditioning variety. But you still wouldn't have any muscle.
I don't want to use the whole "sprinter vs. distance runner" story here, because it's been done a bunch of times already. But look at most long distance runners - most have little muscle tone, aren't strong, and are "skinny fat" (i.e. - their skinny and weigh little, but many still have guts).
Why would you not want to be strong? Powerful? Explosive? For the most part, just plain cardiovascular activity won't get you that way...especially not over you entire body. Now, you could do Density Conditioning running hills, and that would get your legs in shape, and bodweight circuits could get your upper body in shape, but that wouldn't really be just cardiovascular activity anymore.
Need another reason? When losing weight, building muscle is actually one of the BEST things you can do. Why? Because muscle burns more calories at rest to simply maintain than fat does.
How many more? One pound of fat burns roughly 3-5 calories per day to maintain. One pound of muscle needs roughly 50 calories per day. So, if you could simply replace 10 lbs. of fat with 10 lbs. of lean muscle, you'd burn up roughly an extra 500 calories per day - with no other changes to your bodyweight, schedule, workout programs, or anything else.
If you replaced 10 lbs. of fat with 10 lbs. of muscle and went on to burn that extra 500 calories per day, you'd continue to lose roughly 1 pound of fatper week, with NO other change. (500 calories/day x 7 days/week = 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat)
Why would you not want to do this?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard.
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins is a strength coach and author living in Cameron, N.C. Having trained and designed Workout Plans for 16+ years, Wiggy is a strength moderator at, columnist for,, and He has just released his new MMA Workout Program, the "Working Class MMA Workout Program" and its accompanying "Championship Edition". See more about Wiggy at
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He said:
"I like the idea of being able to master my bodyweight, but wouldn't just losing weight (especially fat) and getting your bodyweight as low as possible be the easiest way to do this? Couldn't I do this with just cardio conditioning?"
You could lose a lot of weight by just adjusting diet and doing cardiovascular activity (be it of the Long Slow Distance, High Itensity Interval Training, Medium Fast Distance, or Density Conditioning variety. But you still wouldn't have any muscle.
I don't want to use the whole "sprinter vs. distance runner" story here, because it's been done a bunch of times already. But look at most long distance runners - most have little muscle tone, aren't strong, and are "skinny fat" (i.e. - their skinny and weigh little, but many still have guts).
Why would you not want to be strong? Powerful? Explosive? For the most part, just plain cardiovascular activity won't get you that way...especially not over you entire body. Now, you could do Density Conditioning running hills, and that would get your legs in shape, and bodweight circuits could get your upper body in shape, but that wouldn't really be just cardiovascular activity anymore.
Need another reason? When losing weight, building muscle is actually one of the BEST things you can do. Why? Because muscle burns more calories at rest to simply maintain than fat does.
How many more? One pound of fat burns roughly 3-5 calories per day to maintain. One pound of muscle needs roughly 50 calories per day. So, if you could simply replace 10 lbs. of fat with 10 lbs. of lean muscle, you'd burn up roughly an extra 500 calories per day - with no other changes to your bodyweight, schedule, workout programs, or anything else.
If you replaced 10 lbs. of fat with 10 lbs. of muscle and went on to burn that extra 500 calories per day, you'd continue to lose roughly 1 pound of fatper week, with NO other change. (500 calories/day x 7 days/week = 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat)
Why would you not want to do this?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard.
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins is a strength coach and author living in Cameron, N.C. Having trained and designed Workout Plans for 16+ years, Wiggy is a strength moderator at, columnist for,, and He has just released his new MMA Workout Program, the "Working Class MMA Workout Program" and its accompanying "Championship Edition". See more about Wiggy at
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5 tips for exercise after c-section
The main thing about exercise after c-section is to wait until your incisions (i.e., stitches) have healed.
Before you try to exercise after c-section get the go ahead from your doctor to start an exercise program.
Once you have the go ahead from your doctor to exercise after c-section, try these exercises.
1. Walking. Walking is the best exercise after c-section for getting your body used to the idea of exercising again. Start with short strolls around the block with our baby in a stroller. Then lengthen your walks and maybe start to jog or run a little.
2. Kegel exercises. While the main point of kegel exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the vaginal wall, they can also help to strength pelvic muscles. So you can continue to do these exercises after birth.
3. Yoga. Be careful of anything that will stretch your abdominal muscles excessively. Otherwise, you should be able to perform basic moves like warrior I, pelvic tilts and supported bridge. You may be able to find postpartum yoga classes at your local gym or YMCA.
4. Pilates. Pilates is excellent for rebuilding your core. Listen to your body and make any modifications that will make the exercises easier and comfortable.
5. About your abs...start slow. Don't over do it or you run the risk of permanently damaging your ab muscles. These will probably be tender for awhile.
Use these tips to exercise after c-section and you'll lose weight reasonably and you get your body into proper shape without hurting your body more.
Visit my blog for more tips on how to lose weight after delivery.
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Before you try to exercise after c-section get the go ahead from your doctor to start an exercise program.
Once you have the go ahead from your doctor to exercise after c-section, try these exercises.
1. Walking. Walking is the best exercise after c-section for getting your body used to the idea of exercising again. Start with short strolls around the block with our baby in a stroller. Then lengthen your walks and maybe start to jog or run a little.
2. Kegel exercises. While the main point of kegel exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the vaginal wall, they can also help to strength pelvic muscles. So you can continue to do these exercises after birth.
3. Yoga. Be careful of anything that will stretch your abdominal muscles excessively. Otherwise, you should be able to perform basic moves like warrior I, pelvic tilts and supported bridge. You may be able to find postpartum yoga classes at your local gym or YMCA.
4. Pilates. Pilates is excellent for rebuilding your core. Listen to your body and make any modifications that will make the exercises easier and comfortable.
5. About your abs...start slow. Don't over do it or you run the risk of permanently damaging your ab muscles. These will probably be tender for awhile.
Use these tips to exercise after c-section and you'll lose weight reasonably and you get your body into proper shape without hurting your body more.
Visit my blog for more tips on how to lose weight after delivery.
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Banana diet tips and warning!
Here are some banana diet tips and a warning. First off, the banana diet CAN help you to lose a lot of weight. But some people don't do it right and when you do it wrong, it gets UGLY. So read this now to get things straight so you can enjoy losing weight on this really effective diet.
Banana Diet Tips and Warning
1. Warning: The banana diet has nothing to do with eating bananas as your main meal.
You'd be crazy if you ate bananas as your meals. Uh, you need protein and fats as well for your diet. If you ate nothing but bananas, you'd so many nutrient, mineral, and vitamin deficiencies. Besides, this would be pure torture to eat only bananas.
I know you're more intelligent than that, but I just wanted to be sure for those who get a little too aggressive with their dieting tactics.
2. Tips - There are 2 ways to do this diet and a combination way
You can eat 2 bananas, 3 separate times a day as snacks between meals. You can eat 2 bananas with your meals... 1 before and 1 after each meal (I don't advise this way). OR... you can do a combo in which you eat 1 banana with each of 3 meals and 1 banana 3 different times as a snack.
If I was to choose, I'd either do the first or third way... probably the 3rd way. Why? First, you need to use bananas as snacks. By using them just at your meals, you'd be opening up some problems when it comes time to snack between meals. So it's vital to use them as snacks.
Also, it's important to have them with meals because the live enzymes bananas contain help you to digest your foods better. Good digestive health is critically important for long term weight loss progress.
This is just a brief article, but hopefully I gave you some ideas on how to use the banana diet effectively to lose weight.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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Banana Diet Tips and Warning
1. Warning: The banana diet has nothing to do with eating bananas as your main meal.
You'd be crazy if you ate bananas as your meals. Uh, you need protein and fats as well for your diet. If you ate nothing but bananas, you'd so many nutrient, mineral, and vitamin deficiencies. Besides, this would be pure torture to eat only bananas.
I know you're more intelligent than that, but I just wanted to be sure for those who get a little too aggressive with their dieting tactics.
2. Tips - There are 2 ways to do this diet and a combination way
You can eat 2 bananas, 3 separate times a day as snacks between meals. You can eat 2 bananas with your meals... 1 before and 1 after each meal (I don't advise this way). OR... you can do a combo in which you eat 1 banana with each of 3 meals and 1 banana 3 different times as a snack.
If I was to choose, I'd either do the first or third way... probably the 3rd way. Why? First, you need to use bananas as snacks. By using them just at your meals, you'd be opening up some problems when it comes time to snack between meals. So it's vital to use them as snacks.
Also, it's important to have them with meals because the live enzymes bananas contain help you to digest your foods better. Good digestive health is critically important for long term weight loss progress.
This is just a brief article, but hopefully I gave you some ideas on how to use the banana diet effectively to lose weight.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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How to get a flat stomach
Everybody wants a flat stomach! Everybody craves for a flat stomach! Everybody obsesses over a flat stomach! There are three factors that we can control to help get that flat stomach. Those are nutrition, physical activity, and stress reduction. Nutrition: Cut down on the fat intake in your diet as well as intake of sodas. Also try to cut back on processed carbohydrates like: breads, pasta, rice and potatoes. Instead of eating 3 big meals per day, eat smaller sized portions and divide your meals into 6 meals per day. Your meals should be well balanced from each of the basic food groups and drink lots of water. Try to make healthier alternatives to the foods you regularly eat. For example: instead of eating chocolate bars, substitute it with fruits or carrot sticks.
Physical Activity: when you are first starting out, you can begin with walking for at least 20 minutes per, then progress up to 30 minutes, three times a week. Try to maintain a good elevated heart rate while walking so you are challenging your system.
People think by doing countless ab exercises, it will get them to their goal of a flat stomach. It is important to do ab exercises to maintain or increase core strength, but doing multi-joint exercises are much more effective at reducing overall fat and increasing our metabolism. When we increase our metabolism, we increase our body is efficiency to burn fat, and that will be more effective at flattening our stomach. Stress reduction: Stress makes our bodies go into a panic mode. Our bodies react by sending hormones into our system that tell our bodies to store fat in our stomach to prepare for deprivation. So, the key is to reduce the stress or manage it in a way that will allow you to better cope with it. By reducing the stress in our lives, we control various physiological components in our bodies, which allow us to burn fat more efficiently, resulting in a flatter stomach.
One method of coping with stress is deep breathing. Take a deep breath through your nose, try to feel the breath go deeply into your lungs and into your diaphragm, then slowly breathe out and exhale through your mouth. This technique allows for more oxygen in your system as well as help remove carbon dioxide from our bodies. Flattening your stomach can be as easy as 1-2-3, nutrition, physical activity and stress reduction. By committing to making changes in our lives, we are able to achieve that flat stomach.
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Physical Activity: when you are first starting out, you can begin with walking for at least 20 minutes per, then progress up to 30 minutes, three times a week. Try to maintain a good elevated heart rate while walking so you are challenging your system.
People think by doing countless ab exercises, it will get them to their goal of a flat stomach. It is important to do ab exercises to maintain or increase core strength, but doing multi-joint exercises are much more effective at reducing overall fat and increasing our metabolism. When we increase our metabolism, we increase our body is efficiency to burn fat, and that will be more effective at flattening our stomach. Stress reduction: Stress makes our bodies go into a panic mode. Our bodies react by sending hormones into our system that tell our bodies to store fat in our stomach to prepare for deprivation. So, the key is to reduce the stress or manage it in a way that will allow you to better cope with it. By reducing the stress in our lives, we control various physiological components in our bodies, which allow us to burn fat more efficiently, resulting in a flatter stomach.
One method of coping with stress is deep breathing. Take a deep breath through your nose, try to feel the breath go deeply into your lungs and into your diaphragm, then slowly breathe out and exhale through your mouth. This technique allows for more oxygen in your system as well as help remove carbon dioxide from our bodies. Flattening your stomach can be as easy as 1-2-3, nutrition, physical activity and stress reduction. By committing to making changes in our lives, we are able to achieve that flat stomach.
If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit
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Lose body fat and learn how to keep it off for good
The biggest problem people have is that when they lose weight; is that they will put the weight right back on. This is a major problem that more and more people face everyday. The reason for this is simple. In order to continue to lose body fat, you must learn how to change your eating habits.
Most people in this world think that if they doing situps everyday, they will be able to lose body fat and keep it off for good. Unfortunately that in incorrect. By doing situps all you are doing is building and shaping your stomach muscles. The only way to lose body fat is to diet.
The problem with diets is that they all do not work. Sure all the diets will allow you to lose weight. The down side is that it is impossible to follow most diets forever. Once you stop the diet; you will gain all that weight back. Until now. Dieting has never been easier.
The secret is to find that diet that will allow you to still eat all the foods you love. The right diet will teach you that if you change you eating habits around, you will be able to eat all the foods you love while still losing or maintaining your weight. The only way you will be able to keep the weight off is to find that diet that will not make you sacrifice the foods you love. It is always easy to stick with something when you give nothing up.
So stop waisting you time with diets that don't work. Learn how to change your eating habits so you can lose body fat and keep it off for good.
Click here if you are ready to Lose Body Fat and keep it off for good.
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Most people in this world think that if they doing situps everyday, they will be able to lose body fat and keep it off for good. Unfortunately that in incorrect. By doing situps all you are doing is building and shaping your stomach muscles. The only way to lose body fat is to diet.
The problem with diets is that they all do not work. Sure all the diets will allow you to lose weight. The down side is that it is impossible to follow most diets forever. Once you stop the diet; you will gain all that weight back. Until now. Dieting has never been easier.
The secret is to find that diet that will allow you to still eat all the foods you love. The right diet will teach you that if you change you eating habits around, you will be able to eat all the foods you love while still losing or maintaining your weight. The only way you will be able to keep the weight off is to find that diet that will not make you sacrifice the foods you love. It is always easy to stick with something when you give nothing up.
So stop waisting you time with diets that don't work. Learn how to change your eating habits so you can lose body fat and keep it off for good.
Click here if you are ready to Lose Body Fat and keep it off for good.
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